Louisiana Whiplash Lawyers Helping Clients with Neck & Back Pain
Louisiana Whiplash Lawyers Helping Clients Get Fair Compensation for Neck and Back Pain
Whiplash is the common name for the pain, tingling, limited motion and other serious symptoms that all too many people experience after car accidents and other accidents and incidents in which the head and neck are rapidly shaken back and forth.
If you have developed these symptoms after an accident, our experienced Louisiana whiplash lawyers at the law firm of Domengeaux Wright Roy & Edwards LLC can help you hold the responsible party accountable and pursue fair compensation for the full extent of your injuries.
Louisiana Whiplash Lawyers Helping Accident Victims Pursue Personal Injury Claims
Medical experts do not fully understand the causes of whiplash, but it is most likely the result of damage to the muscles and nerves in the cervical (neck and upper back) portion of the spine. In some cases, severe whiplash-like symptoms may indicate damage to the spinal cord.
Whiplash is particularly common in rear-end collisions and other motor vehicle collisions. However, it can occur in many other circumstances, including falls from heights.
People with whiplash may need significant medical treatment and may not be able to return to work until their injuries have healed. In some cases, whiplash symptoms can be permanent, resulting in persistent pain and reduced ability to move the head and neck freely.
If you are suffering from whiplash, our Louisiana whiplash lawyers can help you pursue full and fair compensation for your medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other damages.
Contact Our Lafayette Whiplash Compensation Lawyers
To discuss your whiplash injuries with our experienced personal injury lawyers at Domengeaux Wright Roy & Edwards, L.L.C., we encourage you to contact us at 800-375-6186 or by e-mail to schedule a free consultation. Based in Lafayette, we represent clients throughout Louisiana and beyond.
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