Fraudulent Logbooks in 18-Wheeler Accidents

Louisiana Trucking Accidents Lawyers Pursuing Personal Injury Claims on Behalf of Accident Victims with 18-Wheelers

Federal regulations limit truck drivers’ hours of service for their own safety and the safety of others. When drivers attempt to get around these regulations by falsifying their logbooks, they, and in many cases their employers, can be held accountable for the consequences.

At the Lafayette-based law firm of Domengeaux Wright Roy & Edwards LLC, our Louisiana personal injury lawyers are experienced at helping accident victims and their families pursue compensation for trucking accidents caused by drivers who maintained fraudulent logbooks.

Holding Unsafe Drivers and Their Employers Accountable

Under federal motor carrier safety regulations, commercial truck drivers are required to take regular rest and sleep breaks to avoid fatigue. This means they may stay behind the wheel only for a limited number of hours in a row and a limited number of hours per day.

Trucking companies are required to keep track of their drivers’ compliance with these hours-of-service regulations and must pull drivers who violate the rules of the roads.

Some trucking companies use global positioning system (GPS) devices to monitor their drivers, but most have not adopted this technology yet. Instead, most companies still rely on their drivers to fill out logbooks detailing their hours spent driving and taking breaks.

When these companies also motivate their drivers to drive as many miles as possible in as little time as possible, there is every reason to expect that some drivers will falsify their logbooks. Our attorneys are experienced at identifying and investigating logbook fraud.

Lafayette Attorneys Handling Cases Involving Trucking Log Forgery

If you have been injured or have lost a loved one in an 18-wheeler accident, our lawyers will carefully evaluate all aspects of your case, including whether the driver falsified his or her logbook. To schedule a free consultation, please contact us at 800-375-6186 or by email. Our main office is located in Lafayette, Louisiana.


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