Louisiana Motorcycle Accident Lawyers

Louisiana Motorcycle Accident Lawyers Helping Injured Motorcyclists Pursue Maximum Compensation For motorcyclists, even relatively minor accidents at moderate speeds can cause serious injuries with long-term and permanent consequences. Other drivers have a responsibility to share the road with motorcyclists and…

Louisiana Medical Mistakes Lawyers

Louisiana Medical Mistakes Lawyers Helping People Who Have Suffered Due to Medical Malpractice Or Misdiagnosis  Some of the most devastating medical outcomes people face occur due to diagnostic failures at various levels of the health care system. A primary care…

Louisiana Defective Medical Device Lawyers

Louisiana Defective Medical Device Lawyers Working Aggressively To Hold Responsible Parties Liable for the Damages They Cause Our Clients The federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA) must approve all medical devices, pharmaceuticals and products for sale and use in the…

Louisiana Catastrophic Injury Lawyers

Louisiana Catastrophic Injury Lawyers Committed To Helping People & Families After Life-Altering Injuries At Domengeaux Wright Roy & Edwards LLC, in Lafayette, Louisiana, we are committed to representing individuals and families dealing with the consequences of catastrophic injuries. We have…